Kristin Louis
Kristin tried her first yoga class while recovering from a sports injury and it forever changed life! She had always been an athlete and loved the intensity of competitive sports. But being forced to slow down and become introspective was a totally new challenge. She was happily surprised by the body awareness and mobility that developed after going through her first Iyengar Yoga series. Over the years, yoga became more and more necessary to combat the stress of her highly demanding job. In 2008, she and her husband made a huge life decision and moved to Doha, Qatar. With this new proximity to so many international yoga hubs, the doors to her yoga world blew wide open. She was able to study and learn from various teachers and styles of yoga including John Scott, Lino Miele, Kino MacGregor, Kathryn Budig, Tiffany Cruikshanks, Yogiswari, Dice Iida-Klein and many more! Kristin fell in love with how yoga, movement and breath are all intertwined and anchors her in the challenging moments life brings. This became profoundly evident through her pregnancies, into postpartum and beyond. Having her first son abroad, without support, really pushed her to do more to serve women and families in all seasons of life. She teaches pre/postnatal yoga, has multiple certifications in Core & Pelvic Floor work as well as training to support women’s health through fertility to menopause and everything in between. She even works privately with clients as a Childbirth Educator. Kristin strongly believes everyone should have the tools to feel confident and strong in their bodies. Yoga and education are those tools to find comfort in the uncomfortable! Kristin is really excited to join the Grow Well team. Her classes are challenging, yet nurturing with humor and intelligence woven throughout.